Thursday, September 20, 2007

Crash test videos keep consumers from being dummies

What's Happening

* Consumer Reports magazine has teamed up with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) to post 200 crash test videos of various car makes and models online as a shopping tool for car buyers ( 8.22.07).
* The free website is searchable by make, model and year so buyers can see how a car they are considering fared in frontal and side-impact collisions. The videos are narrated by an IIHS expert so viewers understand what they are seeing.
* Consumer Reports will continue to add videos to the site as tests are completed.


* When it comes to vehicle purchase decisions, consumers still rely on performance and safety ratings — especially those with transparency around process. But videos of tests in action put real detail behind that broad numerical judgment. Control FreakSM consumers are hungry for as much data as they can gather so they can come to their own conclusions about the safety of their vehicles. And seeing is believing.
* Expert translation of 200 different crumpled fenders, and what they really mean to passengers, revs up the value of this service.

Source: Iconoculture, 9/17/07

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